Chronicle was sort of a mixed bag for me.
Essentially the movie tells the story of three mostly drunken (two-thirds anyway) high school kids that stumble onto an
unexplained object and end up with superpowers. Is the plot anything
revolutionary? No. It’s been done before. It’s been done a thousand times, in
fact. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
What I like about Chronicle is that the things our teenage
heroes do with their powers feels a lot like the things actual teenagers would
do if they had superpowers – basically, stupid shit.
Instead of constructing a pair of web-shooters and taking
the streets to mix it up with the local toughs (I love you, Spidey) the boys head to the mall and fling stuff from
the shelves with the power of their minds.
Instead of dedicating their lives to the betterment of an
entire city, all while living up to the memory of their deceased uncle (I really do love you, Spidey) they fly
around like dopes and use the gifts they’ve been given to score themselves some
Yep, I typed the word poon.
I’m only mildly
ashamed of it.
What I’m trying to say is that the characters in Chronicle actually
feel real for most of the time. They’re flawed, and they’re idiots, and I can sort
of appreciate that.
There are problems though - lots of them actually.
As good as the first half of the film might be, things start
to fall apart in the second half. First off, the whole “found footage” thing is a hindrance. Sure, it makes it possible to
get a few cool shots here and there, but the overused convention ultimately
buckles under it’s own weight. The fact that the characters are always carrying
around cameras and always filming themselves ends up feeling really stupid,
really quick.
At times it’s more stupid than a movie review that includes
the word poon.
The lower budget
also becomes painfully obvious when the script asks a lot more than the effects
are capable of delivering, and because of that the entire final act ends up
being a lot funnier than was intended.
Don’t get me wrong, I like seeing dudes throwing each other
through brick walls as much as the next guy. That stuff’s cool. It’s always
going to be cool. Still, a part of me can’t help but wish that things had stayed
a bit smaller. The movie was a hell of a lot more interesting when things were
small. (That’s not what she said.)
Ultimately, Chronicle is worth a look. It’s not the greatest
film you’re ever going to see, but it’s certainly not the worst. There are some
good ideas here, and those ideas mostly make up for the films shortcomings.
There are some good scenes and some decent performances too. If you’re into
slightly shoddy CGI violence, there’s a bit of that as well.
Plus the film has an embarrassingly short runtime. Even if
you hate it, it’ll be over before you know it. (That’s what he said.)
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